About the Club
Be the #1 soccer club of choice in the North York district.
Mission Statement:
Vision Statement:
Lead and support the growth of soccer throughout our community.
Values Statement:
Inclusive - Soccer welcomes all who wish to play.
Player Centered - Players are the primary focus
Integrity - Benefit of the game always comes first
Community Builder - Contributes to developing healthy & responsible citizens
Ethical - High moral principles & professional standards
Safe Sport
We believe that all individuals have the right to learn and play soccer in an enjoyable and safe environment. We have established the following procedures in accordance with:
About North York Cosmos Soccer
The North York Cosmos Soccer Club (NYCSC) is a not-for-profit youth organization operated by volunteers. We believe in offering a high quality environment for soccer by adhering to Ontario Soccer's recommendations for player development and pyramid of play (house league to representative level).
The North York Cosmos Soccer Club places the emphasis on "grassroots" development, therefore, our coaches are required to work within the given guidelines of Ontario Soccer and Canada Soccer. Our Coaches are encouraged to attend clinics and workshops to become familiar with or stay connected to the current trends and developments in soccer.
The North York Cosmos Soccer Club supports the philosophy that FUN is the key to successful player development. This is what makes our recreational and competitive programming a winner with our members every season.
For a full club history, please click here.
The North York Soccer Club welcomes your suggestions. Please get in touch with us: info@northyorkcosmos.com.